2021.06.02 横浜開港祭2021 Yokohama Gateway Stage フィナーレステージ参加(Art performance Yokohama City ”Thanks to the Port 2021 “Festival )
本活動は、エジプト・アラブ共和国大使館 文化・教育・科学局 による後援、エジプト古典舞踊アーティスト モハメド・ガリーブ氏の有志により成り立っていますこと、感謝申し上げます。
We are honored and appreciated that This activity is official supported by the Culture, Education and Science bureau of Egypt embassy in Japan and also by the volunteer of Egyptian Classical folklore Artist Mr. Mohamed Ghareb.
横浜開港祭2021 Yokohama Gateway Stage フィナーレ出演情報
Performance Information
出演スケジュール, 開催場所 at 横浜開港祭2021
- 2021年6月2日 17:00ごろ ※当日の進行により前後します。
- 潮入の池ステージ, 横浜みなとみらい 臨港パーク内(東神奈川側)
Stage Schedule, Location at Yokohama Festival " thanks to the port 2021″
- 2nd June. 2021 around 5:00pm *Time depends on the progress of the day.
- at Shioiri no Ike Stage, in Rinkou-park yokohama city
- 臨港パーク(潮入の池 ステージ)in 横浜開港祭2021 の アクセス地図
- How to access the Sio iri no Ike stage , Rinkou Park , Yokohama Festival ”Thanks to the Port 2021″

Performance Contents
横浜ポートサイドの夕焼けの中、ダラブッカ(アラビア太鼓 タブラ)の神秘的な演奏から開始されるエジプト古典民族舞踊のタンヌーラのパフォーマンスを予定しています。
We will give a performance of Tannoura as the Egyptian Historical Dance starting with the mysterious sound of a Darabukka (Arabic drum Tabla)in the sunset of Yokohama portside.

Water Transport History common to Egypt and Yokohama
Egyptan History
This time, we will participate in a valuable festival celebrating the opening of Yokohama Port, and it is well known that Egypt has also prospered along with water transportation.
Egypt’s representative water transports are the Nile and Suez Canals. The Nile is vertical, the Suez Canal is horizontal, and the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea are in harmony.
Despite the arid region surrounded by Saudi Arabia and the Sahara Desert, it is blessed with water and produces abundant crops.
As a result, the settlements prospered along the Nile and damaged their ethnic cultures. Its history can now be seen in the diversity of Egyptian classical folk dance / music, architecture / culture.

横浜市にあった3つの宿場, 神奈川宿, 保土ヶ谷宿, 戸塚宿は、当時の様子を 歌川広重の浮世絵 ”東海道五十三次" でみることができます。
Yokohama History
Yokohama has also built a diverse culture centered around Yokohama Port.
From the port of Yokohama, which is connected to the world, imported goods convey the culture of the world, and the Western architecture and stained glass that remains at the Yokohama Three Towers and the former Yokohama Bank head office are presenting its splendor to the present day.
In addition, there is the old Tokaido inland, which conveys Edo culture from Shinagawa-juku and Kansai culture from Kyoto-juku, and is also rich in Japanese culture.
The three post stations in Yokohama, Kanagawa-juku, Hodogaya-juku, and Totsuka-juku, can be seen in the Ukiyo-e “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido" by Hiroshige Utagawa.
Along the old Tokaido, there are historic shrines and Buddhist temples, and the cityscape, which still continues the history and culture of Japan to the present day.
The former Yokohama stop, which currently existed at Yokohama Port, rapidly connected the Western culture carried from ships and the Japanese culture nurtured inland by railroad.

Diversity learned from Egypt and Yokohama
古代エジプトそして現エジプト・アラブ共和国では、古代遺跡と現代の街並み、王国建築と市民生活様式、内陸文化と海運文化、欧州各国とアラビア国家、宗教 …
様々な部分で多様性をみることができます。 横浜においても、横浜港を門戸にし多様な文化・生活様式を受け入れてきました。
Rich blessings born from diversity, and the development
In ancient Egypt and the present Arab Republic of Egypt, ancient ruins and modern cityscapes, kingdom architecture and civilian lifestyles, inland culture and shipping culture, European countries and Arabian states, religions …
Diversity can be seen in various parts. Even in Yokohama, we have accepted various cultures and lifestyles with the port of Yokohama as the door.
It can be seen from history that acceptance of diversity has created new education, arts and culture, science and industry.
A future that takes advantage of diversity from history
Recently, conflicts and persecution have not ended in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Gulf of the Middle East.
In many cases, the unreasonable past is unacceptable. And that unreasonableness is really only known to the parties.
However, if you stop in the past that has already happened, you cannot proceed.
Hints for accepting diversity are hidden not only in history books but also in classical music and dance.
横浜開港祭2021Gateway Stageは多様なアーティストが出演
Various artists appear at Yokohama Port Festival 2021 Gateway Stage
The stage is perfect for Yokohama Port, where new art culture meets the art culture of your own country.
It is a place where various artists from various fields can fully express their sensibilities and become interested in the expressions of other artists.
From here in Yokohama, I believe that a culture that accepts and enjoys diversity will grow and become an international arts and culture city that will be disseminated to the world. We also support GAFE.
Finally, I am honored to be involved in the project with this memorable artist from the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Thank you for the Yokohama Port Festival Executive Committee!