“Minato City Foreign Restaurant Support ” by MIA volunteer group
***にほんご は えいご につづきます ***
<<The activities described here are volunteers from the Minato International Association>>

The application deadline for this application is approaching October 15, 2021.
If you have not applied for the first time, please hurry.
Infection spread prevention cooperation fund for shortening business hours
Apply for Infection spread prevention cooperation fund for shortening business hours (for implementation from July 12 to August 31)!
See details at websites below:
Sorry that the public announcement is only Japanese I could found.
English Support for Application of Infection spread prevention cooperation fund
If you find the websites above do not help you with application for “Infection spread prevention cooperation fund for shortening business hours” (July 12 to August 31), contact us Minato City Foreign Restaurant Support Group (“Support Group”) for help at:
※Note that the Support Group will support up to three support requesters at a time.
Please be informed that we will help on a first-come-first-served basis.
※Disclaimer: Support Group will not guarantee your timely or successful application, but only facilitate your application process.
Reception period
From September 15, 2021 to October 15, 2021 ( subject to change )